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With SWMH Healing Tea: Inflammation fighter tea in the morning and Immune System tea at night, people are being healed between 1 and 2 1/2 months; the process to healing begins as soon as you digest the products. You can speed up your healing by taking 1 table spoon of the Inflammation Fighter Elixir and 1 table spoon of the Immune System Restorer Elixir in the afternoon. In addition you may want to try the Inflammation Body Oil for pain and swelling and the Immune System Body Oil for rare skin sicknesses and disease.

Hi I"m Kathy Seabrooks:" The strawberry and blueberry cookies, and pineapple walnut muffin were soft, moist, and yummy. I have lived in six states so far and they are the biggest best gluten free-healthy delicious cookies that I'v ever tasted. One cookie curbed my appetite preventing my stomach from bloating. I could taste the healthiness of the baked goods as they energized and made me feel alive. These gluten free cookies are Larger and healthier than grandmas cookies."
Signs Wonders Miracles Healing Baked Goods: Blue Berry, Straw Berry, and Pineapple Walnut Muffins, Vegan Protein Bar, Pineapple Cross, and Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie.

Signs Wonders Miracles Healing Tea, Plant Based Protein and Whey Protein Energy Drinks

Leole Thomas

I have been using the Signs, Wonders, Miracles, Healing Tea and Oil for 1 year; I have lost 54lbs, it softens and sooths my skin, clears and stops the itching of my Eczema on a regular basis, lowered my Blood Pressure, is keeping my sugar regulated (reduced my Sugar levels), and it has increased my energy. Before taking the Tea and Oil I couldn’t work in my garden and now I work daily in my garden and have enough energy to keep up with my 3 great grandchildren that I inherited. I drink the Tea 2 to 3 times a day, lose weight and I don’t exercise, it curbs my eating, and regulates my bowels. I am 68 years old and feeling good. The Oil has also helped my 2 little children 4 and 5 years old with their Eczema and dry skin; it clears and stops their itching on a regular basis and their skin is not dry like it used to be.




Hair Testimonial

Jennifer Seldon

After consistently using my facial products, my skin wrinkle less, is clearer, more radiant, healthy, and vibrant.

CJ Pruitt:

Facial Testimonial
After my six children were born ages 16-23, I was unable to shake off the unwanted baby-fat. I had poor eating habits; my downfall is birthday cake, vanilla bean ice cream and sweet tea on extremely hot days in Chicago. One day, my colleague, Mr. Johnson, gave me a few bottles of tea to try. Now after three months, I’m noticing clear skin, loose clothes, hair strengthening, less frizzies, and a glow that causes people to come up to me and compliment my features.
Might I add all of this is effortless because I don’t exercise, however, the tea curbs my appetite and assist me in having regular bowel movements. I have now added the body oil and the face moisturizer for added assurance to my face and body.

